What your business misses by not having a website

Do you think that your business doesn’t need a website? Here in Brisbane, website developers like ourselves would beg to differ; but are we right in saying that your business will definitely suffer without a website?

For small businesses in particular, the most common reasons for not having a business website are cost, lack of awareness of the benefits, and complacency (feeling that they’ve done fine without one so far).

But when you consider that nearly 9.5 million Australians shopped online in 2018 and nearly 2 billion people worldwide are expected to shop online in 2019, maybe you should take a second look at websites. It’s easy to ignore these statistics, particularly when you use a social media platform to drive traffic to your physical store or when most of your customers are either referrals or repeat customers. However, you need to remember one of the golden rules of business, which is just because you might be doing fine today, doesn’t mean that it will continue to be fine.

That’s because not keeping up with the times and ignoring the behaviour of shoppers can easily result in significant revenue losses. Whether it happens slowly over time or very quickly, it almost always occurs due to changes in the local market space, and there’s no exception to that rule right here in Brisbane. 

Website developers sometimes take it upon themselves to help educate local business owners, because they know that these owners are losing revenue and they know that a website can make a huge difference to their bottom line, but due to the complexity of websites, it can result in decision paralysis.

In our experience, many small business owners simply don’t understand the real-world benefits that a website can bring to their business. So let’s take a look at some of these benefits and hopefully help business owners to realise that they need to give their customers what they want: online access to their business.

Decreased visibility in Google and other search engines

Even though you might use social media to promote your business and drive traffic to your store, without a website your online visibility will be poor. A website increases your online visibility, and can bring in an amazing amount of organic traffic. As one of the leading website developers in Brisbane, we know all too well that without a website, all of this traffic is going straight to your competitors, which is one of the reasons why a website is so vital to business growth. 

Fewer opportunities to showcase your products or services

Without a website, you will find it harder to present your products or services to your target audience. Employees may spend more time than necessary answering questions, when a simple FAQ page would suffice; shoppers have more difficulty locating your contact information; and potential partners and suppliers can’t validate your business’s integrity, because you don’t have any online credentials. Ultimately, there’s no better way to outline who you are, what you do, and how you can solve problems for your potential customers, than a well-designed website.

More expenses and less revenue

When you can’t advertise or promote your business via your website, you may have to pay for print media which is always expensive and involves ongoing costs. You also have no central location where you can track conversions through your sales funnel, such as clicks from Facebook Ads or Google Ads, or even organic traffic from search engines. All of this can be tracked on your website, giving you a central location for conversion data from your marketing efforts. There are also ongoing costs involved in using third party platforms and tool for functions that could otherwise be performed on your website.

If you’re still not convinced that our team of Brisbane website developers can help your business increase its revenue with a brand new website, why not call us for a quick chat?

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