SEO team

Website design for Mackay businesses

Go with the best Mackay website design company

For businesses in Mackay, if you want your business to succeed you need a website. There’s no way around it.

From attracting new customers and clients, to ensuring that visitors to your webpage reach the point of sale and make a purchase, a sub-par website (or not having one at all) is going to bring you subpar returns.

With the industry-leading services for website design Mackay-wide and beyond, GO Creative are the perfect partners to create a website that genuinely delivers results for your business.

Make sure your website is designed, built and optimised to help your organisation put its best foot forward. Our team is here to walk you through every step of the process.

Websites of all kinds for all businesses

The GO Creative team of website specialists are experts in creating effective websites that are designed to maximise a return on your investment.

New websites

Don’t have a website yet and not sure where to begin? That’s what we’re here for!

Our team will consult with you to fully understand your business and industry. Our sales and project workflows allow us to collect information and give you advice on the best ways to achieve your business goals.

GO Creative does it all: from web hosting to domain names, and custom web builds to ongoing website support.

We’ll take care of it so you don’t have to.

Website changes and redesigns

If you already have a website that isn’t converting as many customers as you’d like or if it looks like it was designed in the late 1990s, we can help!

We’ll consult with you to redesign and rebuild as much or as little of your website as you like. Our website audits and free consultations offer comprehensive reviews of your existing site to identify areas that need to be improved to help increase your website’s online effectiveness.

Website audits

Our website audits are completely free and part of our website design Mackay service offering.

These audits are focused on running a full diagnostic on your online presence to check what can be improved to help your business succeed.


If your website has errors in its coding, broken links or issues with the way the website or email has been set up, our audit will pick it up.


Website performance and speed can affect not just your ability to retain visitors but also your online search engine ranking. We’ll comb through your image and files sizes, web hosting plan and software configuration to provide a customised strategy for optimising your site’s performance.

Mobile compatibility

Some websites, especially older ones, often have issues with compatibility with visitors accessing your site on a mobile phone. From the menu structure to missing information, we’ll diagnose any issues relating to your website’s performance on smartphones and tablets.

Online search

Is your website visible on Google, Bing and other search engines? GO Creative’s team of experts run through the many various vectors that can affect your online search ranking like linking structure, content quality, content quantity and business listings, to provide an effective strategy for improving your online visibility.


Website design is about more than just looking good. Customised and optimised website design can help sell your business’s uniqueness, create a professional and on-brand image, and incorporate social media links, services offerings and help encourage sales conversions.


The best business websites are the ones that capture leads and make the most of sales opportunities. Whether you need an effective enquiry form, visitor tracking or tap-to-call buttons, we can do it all.

Ongoing maintenance and support

Companies change over time and your website should reflect your growth too. GO Creative offers ongoing support plans (known as Website Care) to make sure you and your website are never left in the dark. Plus, our ongoing maintenance ensures you’re running the latest software, keeping your site secure and performing at its best.

Why choose GO Creative for web design Mackay?

There’s a million and one reasons to choose the personable and professional experts at GO Creative. We’ve just listed a couple… because we know how to include just the right amount of salesy content on a website.

Domain name and web hosting

Leave the technical details to us, so you can focus on what matters: running your business.

Social media marketing

We’ll develop and create a social media marketing strategy to help your brand new website reach more eyes.

Online marketing

Let’s get your business top of Google and top of mind amongst your target customer base with our online marketing and SEO services.


The content writing experts at GO Creative will ensure your messages really jump out at your target audience and convince them that you’re the business who can help.

Ecommerce websites

Our ecommerce specialists will help optimise your website to make more sales and appeal to more customers.

Frequently asked questions

Are your staff based in Australia?

Yes. All GO Creative employees are based in Australia, which means when you reach out to us for support, you’ll always deal with a member of our local team!

Do we have to host our website with GO Creative?

As long as your web host supports our software (WordPress, usually) — and 99% of hosting providers do — you can host the site wherever you like. However there are some specific website packages we offer that do require you to host your website with us until the website has been fully paid for, and after that you can transfer the site to another host if you prefer.

Of course, having a single point of contact is always a plus, and it means no one can pass the buck if things go wrong! We offer affordable rates, and our hosting servers are located in Government-certified data centres around Australia.

Do you add our content for us?
Do you offer payment plans?

Yes. Many of our services can be paid in monthly instalments, over 12 months, or longer by negotiation. The first payment is the deposit. Conditions and additional fees apply.

How does a mobile site work?

We add code which tells your website how it should look and function at different screen widths. For example, we might have rules which equate to something like, “If the browser/screen width is less than 900 pixels, move the logo to the middle of the page”. We’ll also condense the entire menu into a single button which the user can click/tap to expand, and so on.

You don’t have to do anything special for this to work; our code takes care of everything automatically. Magic!

How long does it take to build a website?

The timeframe varies greatly between projects. A small website project can take around 3-4 months, but larger projects may take significantly longer.

How secure are your websites?

Very secure. We take great care to secure all websites we develop. This includes using unique and “hard to guess” usernames on administration accounts, installing security plugins, adding custom code to prevent unauthorised hackers/spammers from accessing your website, and so on.

If your customers enter sensitive data into your website, or make online purchases, we also install an SSL security certificate, which encrypts all information (fees apply).

What are the major inclusions/exclusions?

This can be one of the biggest areas of confusion with any website, so here are the key things you need to know.

What we will do

Because our websites are a fixed price, we do have some limitations on the amount of time we can spend on each project. Therefore below is a quick summary of what we’ll do within the package price:

  • Design your home page to a very high level of detail. This can then be revised (up to the number of revisions allowed in your selected website package) until you approve the page.
  • Set up a master design template which applies to all pages on the site. You can customise the layout of the template for each page.
  • Add a certain number of pages of content for you (which you provide), depending on your selected website package. Each page will have a clear and simple layout, and formatting applied to all text.
  • Provide training/support, and resources such as tutorials and videos. Training is conducted over the phone or face to face, depending on your website package.
  • Add a certain number of stock photos (depending on your package), and provide more for a small additional fee.

What we won’t do

We’re happy to help in any way we can, so if you do need a hand with the following, please let us know and we can provide a quote or hourly rate. Some of these options may be included with some website packages, but as a general rule, we don’t do the following:

  • Write your content for you.
  • Edit/retouch/customise your photos. But you can edit your photos via the website software after they’ve been uploaded. Also, every photo uploaded will automatically be resized and cropped into various copies of the original, so you can use whichever one best fits your purpose.
  • Create custom graphics for image slide shows/galleries. However, we will add your photos (or stock photos) into slide shows.
  • Import all of your content from any existing website, if any (we only import a certain number of pages/products, depending on your package).
  • Provide free stock images (except as stated in the website package or quote).
  • Meet face to face except for the initial consultation, and training session.
What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments via:

  • bank transfer
  • credit card (online only)
  • PayPal

Payments made by credit card or PayPal incur a 3% surcharge.

What software do you use?
  • Websites: WordPress
  • Online stores: WordPress with WooCommerce
  • Web apps: Custom framework in PHP
  • Mobile apps: Custom framework for Apple or Android

Want to find out more about our website design Mackay services?

Whether you’re ready to go ahead with your new website or redesign an existing page, or even if you’re not quite sure what to do, get in touch with our team. Our friendly website experts will only be too happy to talk you through the process and options.

Our clients