How can Mackay SEO boost your revenue?

An investment in GO Creative’s Mackay SEO service helps to increase your website’s search engine visibility. This in turn results in more traffic to your website, more leads, conversions, sales and revenue. SEO is a proven digital marketing strategy that outperforms Google Ads and Facebook Ads when it comes to return on investment over time.

Unfortunately, not many business owners understand the importance that website optimisation contributes to the success of their company in Mackay. SEO, however, is one of the most popular digital marketing strategies in the world and is used by all the big name brands. Everyone wants Google to rank their website on page one, and unless you pay for sponsored ads, SEO is the vehicle that helps to get you to the top of the heap.

Google dominates the search engine market with more than 92% of search engine traffic at the beginning of 2021.This means that if you can optimise your website for Google and continue to invest in your SEO strategy, you have a good chance of rising to the top of the rankings.

While there are some DIY and automated SEO options available, SEO isn’t something you can “set and forget”; it requires ongoing work to maintain your visibility. It’s the combination of foundational SEO and this continuing maintenance that increases your site’s rankings in Google and the other minor search engines. Like any form of marketing, if your competitors are doing it and you’re not, they’re taking your potential business away.

GO Creative is an expert in SEO and we have a proven strategy that helps business owners attain high rankings for their websites, and we can do the same for businesses in Mackay.

SEO strategy for Mackay business websites

Since the pandemic induced recession, many businesses have realised the importance of investing in Mackay SEO for the ongoing growth of their business. In fact, many have come to realise that they need to either establish an online presence or make their existing website more successful. With fewer people shopping in stores and a growing number shopping online, this approach makes good business sense.

In fact, it’s estimated that 2.14 billion people will shop online during 2021. That’s a massive market that’s just waiting to be tapped, however, as the saying goes – the devil is in the details!

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation because it’s a strategy or set of techniques with one purpose in mind: to optimise the online visibility of your website to search engines. When search engines know that your website exists, understand it’s value to a specific target market, and realise that your site is both trusted and popular, that’s when you start to see some serious movement in your rankings, traffic, and sales.

Since the Mackay SEO strategies used by GO Creative are focused on search engines, we utilise online platforms and other digital marketing solutions to attract Google’s attention to your website. These strategies include social media networks and business listings, as well as service, product and business reviews, slideshows, and other creative content concerning your business.

How does GO Creative’s SEO strategy work?

GO Creative is one of the leading web development and SEO companies in Brisbane. Our talented team of website specialists and SEO experts are all locals living in the area and we don’t outsource any of our projects overseas.

We know that the massive amount of online competition faced by Mackay businesses makes it vital that your website is designed to convert. To this end, your site needs to look contemporary and professional and be both engaging and informative. It also needs to be appealing, sleek, user-friendly, easy to navigate and very fast. In fact, GO Creative has a reputation for creating websites that are designed to maximise conversions and sales (as every web developer should!).

Having said all this about our Mackay SEO strategies, here’s how it all works.


We research your business and current online presence, as well as performing a free SEO audit on your website (more about this audit below). We then outline the best strategy for your business, and the required investment to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Set up

Once the first month’s payment and contract are completed, we start setting up accounts with Google and other platforms that are needed for your SEO strategy, as well as configuring your reports, software, and other tools required to manage your service.


We perform research on both your competitors and your site’s current SEO standing. Combined with specific keyword research, we finetune your website’s SEO strategy.

Make changes

These may include both design and structural alterations, new updated and optimised content, and other technical changes. We’ll also insert relevant keywords into your site’s content.

New Content

On a monthly basis we’ll create new content for your SEO strategy, which may include blog posts, articles, new pages, business listings, reviews, slideshows, and other business related content. All of this content will be optimised for search engines and written professionally by our local copywriters.


On an ongoing basis, we review your budget and campaign performance to ensure everything is heading in the right direction. Using additional information, such as consumer trends, we adjust your SEO campaigns to maximise your rankings, traffic, conversions and sales. We keep you in the loop about what we’re doing, how the service is performing, and our upcoming strategy.

Why choose GO Creative for web design Mackay?

There’s a million and one reasons to choose the personable and professional experts at GO Creative. We’ve just listed a couple… because we know how to include just the right amount of salesy content on a website.

Increases your website’s online visibility

Boosts traffic, leads, sales and revenue

Maximises brand awareness within your target market

Increases the online visibility of your business

Positions your site higher in Google’s search pages

Builds online credibility and authority

Works for any size budget

Grows followers on social media

Increases your customer base

Builds customer loyalty

There’s a million and one reasons to choose the personable and professional experts at GO Creative. We’ve just listed a couple… because we know how to include just the right amount of salesy content on a website.

Book your free consultation to find out more about our Mackay SEO services


Frequently asked questions

Are your staff based in Australia?

Yes. All GO Creative employees are based in Australia, which means when you reach out to us for support, you’ll always deal with a member of our local team!

Do we receive reports on our campaign?

Yes. We provide online reports, so you can view your campaign data in real time. For example, you can view your website traffic, conversions (enquiries/sales), repeat visitors, and much more, at any time. The data is grouped by month, so you can easily compare performance of key metrics over time.

We also provide access to your Google accounts (such as Analytics, AdWords and Search Console), which allows you to view more detailed reports.

All reports are explained in detail to help you understand the data, and can easily be customised to your requirements so that you can see the data that means the most to you. If anything is unclear, we’re available to answer questions any time.

How will your copywriters know our industry?

We’ll be guided by your expertise, so in speaking with you, we’ll get a feel for your business and brand, and start there. We also undertake market research to better understand some of the specifics of your industry. But if we’re still not quite sure, we’ll come back to you with any questions.

Some of the industries we’ve covered include funeral homes, cheese production, shipping/cargo, mechanics, hair salons, nutrition, jewellery, manufacturing, logistics, removalists, childcare, landscaping — and just about everything in between.

What kind of budget do we need?

Before we start any marketing campaign, we’ll review your current online presence to determine the best strategy for your business. There’s no “one size fits all”.

For example, some clients have fantastic websites but lack any search engine presence, so we’d focus a lot of our efforts around generating search engine traffic. Other clients may have a website with shortcomings, so we’ll spend time improving the website in addition to our standard tasks.

We have starting budgets for all projects, however after our review we’ll let you know if this budget will be suitable for you.

Request a free quote to instantly receive pricing details

What types of articles do you write?

Most articles will focus on a particular aspect of your business, such as your products or services. Others will be primarily about your business itself, such as how long you’ve been operating, number of staff, summary of services, and so on. And the remainder of articles will focus on a niche topic which allows us to include specific keywords (phrases).

The intention with all articles is to provide useful information to customers, while also incorporating a number of the keywords we’re targeting in your service. This will help build your website traffic, and convert visitors into enquiries or sales.

Which keywords should we target?

Not necessarily the ones that first come to mind! Unless you have a considerable budget, often it’s quite difficult to usurp your competitors in search engines. When we research keywords, we look for the most popular searches, but weigh them up against how likely they are to actually deliver more traffic to your website.

For example, if you’re a plumber in Mt Gravatt then you might think “plumbers Brisbane” is an ideal keyword, but in reality that’s very competitive — every plumber out there has those terms on their website. So if we dig a little deeper and look at alternatives such as “Mt Gravatt plumber” or “emergency plumbing contractors Mt Gravatt”, then we may find some more useful keywords.

Remember, we’re looking to bring more visitors to your website. If the most popular keyword has 500 searches per month but 1000 plumbing companies competing, you’re not going to get much traffic from that term. But if a less popular keyword has 200 searches per month and only 5 companies competing, you’re going to bring in a lot of enquiries.

Therefore, we will recommend keywords to you for your approval, and offer advice. From there, you can choose whichever keywords you like.

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