dangers of a cheap website

What are the hidden costs of a cheap website?

How bad website design hurts your business

If you run a medium-sized business, you understand the importance of value for money. However, when it comes to your website, the allure of a “cheap” option can be fraught with risk. While the initial price tag might seem appealing, the hidden costs of a cheap website design can significantly outweigh any short-term savings. For various reasons, investing in a well-designed website is crucial for your business growth. This doesn’t mean you can’t find a cost-effective option.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and understand why you can’t afford to cut costs on certain aspects of your website.

Poor back-end functionality

Imagine being unable to make simple changes on your website without engaging your website developer. Even worse, now that the site is live, you can’t get ahold of your website developer! A website isn’t a static brochure; it’s a dynamic platform requiring ongoing updates. Cheap website design often comes with clunky back-end interfaces, making even basic edits a frustrating chore. Most businesses need to update product listings, add new blog posts, or even update basic business information like changing business hours. Focusing on a quick launch over your long-term needs can mean edits become a frustrating, time-consuming (and costly) experience.

This frustration can lead to neglecting updates, ultimately hurting your website’s effectiveness. In contrast, a professional website design prioritises user-friendly back-end functionality. Your team will be able to effortlessly make changes, keeping your website fresh and engaging, fostering better user experiences and improving lead generation and efficiency.

Lack of after-service support

hidden cost of a cheap website

Websites aren’t immune to technical glitches, so who do you call when things go wrong? When issues arise, having reliable after-service support becomes critical. Cheap website design providers often offer minimal or non-existent post-launch support. This leaves you scrambling to fix problems on your own or facing additional fees for troubleshooting. Conversely, professional web design companies offer ongoing support, ensuring your website runs smoothly, and any technical issues are promptly addressed. This peace of mind lets you focus on running your business without worrying about website malfunctions.

Will your website be built with processes to avoid mistakes?

Mistakes happen, but even minor errors on a website can have a significant impact. Cheap website design often lacks the rigorous quality control processes employed by professional web design companies. This can lead to broken links, missing content, or poorly optimised images, which detract from user experience and potentially damage your brand image.

A professional website design undergoes thorough testing and quality checks before launch, ensuring your site is polished and functional and presents a professional image that inspires trust with potential customers. On the other hand, a less proficient developer may cause time delays and incur additional costs to fix issues that professional website developers will prevent in the first place.

Poor user experience will impact your customers

In today’s fast-paced world, users expect websites to load quickly and function seamlessly across different devices. Cheap website design often results in websites built with inefficient code and inadequate resources, leading to slow loading times and a sluggish user experience. This can frustrate visitors, causing them to abandon your site before engaging with your content or purchasing. Slow responsiveness will also impact your SEO, in short, if your website isn’t providing visitors with a positive experience then Google won’t make it visible in the search results. A professional website design prioritises speed and responsiveness, ensuring your website loads fast and operates flawlessly on all devices, maximising user engagement and the potential for leads and conversions.

Why choose GO Creative for professional website design and development?

Investing in a professional website design may seem like an upfront cost, but it’s an investment in your business’s future success. GO Creative specialises in crafting high-quality websites that deliver tangible results. We prioritise user experience, back-end functionality, and ongoing support, ensuring your website is a powerful tool for driving growth. Let’s discuss your specific needs and create a website that truly works for your business. Book a meeting today.

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