8 growth tips to get more clients in the door in 2022

Looking Forward in 2022

2021 was certainly a challenging year for many small and medium businesses and an exciting time of growth and opportunity for others.

Regardless of your industry, you’ll likely be looking towards the New Year in 2022 as an opportunity to dust yourself off one way or the other and focus on your own growth marketing to increase your customer/client base and grow your business.

8 growth tips to get more clients in the door in 2022


1)  Rebranding

In an excellent article by CMO by IDG, the strategic team behind the exclusively online martial arts and training gear site, Fight Gear Direct, was interviewed about their approach to getting more clients, growth marketing and scaling up.

The first of their 3 Rs of growth was rebranding.

While not all companies will need to rebrand their businesses in the same way (from logo to site to product offering) taking stock of your brand is a good way to kick off 2022. Focus on how your original strategy is complemented or at odds with your current brand’s positioning. Whether you need to rebrand or just recalibrate, focusing on your branding is essential for growth marketing and scaling.

2) Reinvigorate

The next tip for getting more clients from Fight Gear Direct comes in the form of reinvigorating. This stage focuses not on you and your company, but on your customer or client base. Re-evaluate not just what you offer them in terms of products and services (of course that’s an important part too) but also on the customer experience.

What’s it like engaging and buying from your company? Creating a customer experience strategy that’s positive and works is essential for getting more customers through your door.

3) Reinvest

Growth is like a slide rather than a ladder: Stop and you’ll end up slipping down not simply staying where you are. Reinvest the dividends of your growth back into your company with a robust digital growth marketing strategy, R & D or product quality improvement. Innovation in all your services and marketing starts with reinvestment.

4) UVP

All companies should have their unique value proposition (UVP) front of mind when it comes to their growth marketing strategy. If you want customers to choose you over your competitors the messaging in your branding and digital marketing should highlight your UVP over and over again. Lack of focus in this regard will lead to lack of growth.

5) Take Leadership Seriously

Understanding the difference between your directors, employees and stakeholders is very important. Determining from the outset the roles and responsibilities of each team member and subsequently holding them accountable to that key indicators is the key to sustained growth.

6) Consider Scalability

Trying to put in action a growth marketing or scaling plan won’t work retroactively. Having a strong understanding of your business model and the plan for scaling ahead of time is the best way to manage risks, avoid problems and get more customers/clients turning to you in a way that will allow you to float rather than sink.

7) Stick To A Sales Strategy

In addition to having the scalable plans, assigned leadership roles and product/service development, an effective and efficient sales strategy is essential for attracting new customers and retaining them. Invest in the staff and systems to allow you to execute a proper, working sales strategy.

8) Focus on Hiring the Right People

There is no comparison between a company staffed with diligent, knowledgeable and experienced staff to one that is run by less than ideal employees. Focusing on hiring real specialists for your various roles, from IT to digital marketing, will help ensure the efficiency and productivity of your business, and in turn your growth.

Let’s GO forwards together in 2022!

The team here at GO Creative are specialists in not just digital marketing but growth marketing in general. From getting clients to find you online to ensuring your brand is consistent, effective and professional, we can help you turn 2022 into the year of exciting growth! Give us a call today to find out more.

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