The importance of a web developer: why hiring one is a smart move

The importance of a web developer

Once upon a time, using a professional website developer was the only option for a business owner. Nowadays, thanks to the rise of more and more do-it-yourself website makers, the importance of a web developer has been called into question.

No doubt building your own website may save you some money (and maybe even a bit of time) in the short term. Nonetheless, if you want your website to look, function and work professionally, and your online presence to set your business up for success, you need to get a professional web developer on the case.

What is web development and what do web developers do?

Web developers in Australia are responsible for putting together the programming code of a website. This ensures that it looks and works the way that it is supposed to.

There are different types of developers but suffice it at this point to say that website creators are involved in everything from the design of the website on paper to the implementation of it in code. They are even involved in the ongoing maintenance and security services to ensure it continually functions as necessary.

Web developers are experienced and skilled at using programming languages (such as HTML, JavaScript or CSS). Some developers may also be involved in creating other computer products, software or mobile applications.

Even an established and pre-built website will have web developers continually testing its performance, optimising its content and ensuring it works properly on a range of devices.

Some of the general jobs a developer carries out when putting together a website include:

  • Creating wireframe website designs.
  • Converting the designs into working website code.
  • Building out the architecture of a website.
  • Putting together the content.
  • Creating the functionality and responsive features.
  • Pushing a site live.
  • Renovating the site and updating plugins and applications.
  • Fixing bugs and glitches or troubleshooting if something goes wrong.

The different types of website developers

Usually, web developers specialise in a specific type of website work. Broadly, they can be categorised as:

Front End Developers – e.g., client side.
Back End Developers – e.g., server side.
Full Stack Developers – e.g., both client and server side.

Front end developers

Front end developers normally work on the design aspects of a website and the various visual components. In other words, on the front facing part of the website that a user or visitor will interact with. Hence the term, ‘client side’.

A front end developer can be involved in all sorts of different aspects and may focus heavily on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a website.

Front end developers still use coding languages CSS, HTML and/or JavaScript.

Back end developers

Again, like the name suggests, back end developers work on the systems and coding behind the website. In other words, all the parts that a user or visitor doesn’t see.

There is less emphasis on the design aspect and more focusing on the coding development to ensure that the applications and functions perform as required.

Back end developers will utilise a number of coding languages with the addition of Python, Ruby and SQL in the repertoire as well.

Full stack developers

This special breed of developer is one who works on both the front and back end of a website. While many developers may have dabbled on either side, few specialise in both to the same extent.

Full stack developers who are capable of providing equally professional services across all aspects of a website are in quite high demand.

How much does it cost to hire a web developer?

Before we get any further, we should probably address a question we’re sure you’re burning to ask: How much does a Brisbane web developer or developer elsewhere in Australia cost?

The answer is not straightforward unfortunately.

Every website company or freelancer will be different. They may have different hourly rates, offer unique web packages or charge depending on the complexity and requirements of your particular project.

A rough estimate is that a freelancing developer can charge anything from $20 to $80 an hour. This might put a small and relatively simple website at $1,500 at the very cheapest with $5,000 being more realistic. Larger and more professional websites will be at least somewhere around the vicinity of $10,000 to $12,000, and upwards.

Are web developers in demand today?

Most definitely. While you might think the rise in self-created websites will dampen the demand for professional developers, the truth is the opposite. The huge trend of businesses operating increasingly online, the growth of eCommerce websites and the emergence of mobile technologies means web developers are only more in demand than ever before.

According to, the demand for developers will increase by 25% over the next five years. The Bureau of Labour Statistics predicts a rise as high as 27% within the next two years!

Nowadays, with everyone online and consumers increasingly turning to the internet to find businesses, it’s more important than ever not to rely on your own amateur website development skills.

Is hiring a web developer a good idea?

Nevertheless, considering the relative expense of hiring a professional web developer, a good question to ask is whether it’s important. Or at least, is it necessary?

The short answer: yes. The long answer: see below.

Why should you get web developers to take care of your business website?

At the end of the day, designing and constructing a website is like many jobs in society today: it can be done by many people, but done well by a select few.

You might be a guitar player or know your way around a mortgage loan application, but you’d hardly consider yourself as skilled or knowledgeable as a professional in the industry.

True masters in website development have a strong and technical understanding of how to compile complex code. They know their way around the technical back end of a website and can ensure that your business’s website looks great and works professionally.

While anyone can hop on a website maker and choose from a list of cookie-cutter templates, an experienced developer will understand what users experience and how to best create a website that will funnel traffic the way you want it to and place high in search engine rankings.

The benefits of having a web developer for your website

If you’re a business owner or manager, there’s even more reason to engage a professional developer to build your website.

Here are just some of the many benefits you should take into account.


What’s your skill? Is it website development? Probably not. Leveraging the expertise and skills of an actual developer is not only valuable in and of itself, but it will free you up to put your skills to good work in your business.


Website development–especially good websites–take a long time to create. The better the website with additional features, plugins, and capabilities, the longer. If you buy into the time is money principle, there are far better things you can be doing than breaking your teeth over website development instead of trusting the experts.


Understandably, short-term costs are a consideration for all businesses. Nonetheless, once you factor in the opportunity cost of the time and effort, you’ll be expending building the website yourself (and a subpar one at that), and the best use of your money is clear. Not to mention the fact there is a significant opportunity cost in your company’s growth if the website is not developed by an actual developer.


In a world of finite time and resources, why spend time learning to build a website if you’ll probably never do it again? You can utilise your precious work hours in far better ways. Imagine improving your business by investing that time, money and effort into other learning or training pursuits.


At the end of the day, this is the big one. The quality of a professionally developed website is just apples and oranges to DIY websites. We’re not just talking aesthetics. We’re talking about functionality. Bugs. Breakdowns. Lack of security. Less website traffic. Lower conversion rates.

It can be very appealing to spend $1,500 or less getting a basic, cheap and nasty website up. But is even such relatively low expenditure worth the many hours and hassle you’ll need to sink into the project? Especially if your website is not going to perform nearly as well anyway!


If you fancy yourself as a Shopify or WooCommerce web developer, you might be forgiven for thinking that you can turn to the companies for support on any issues in building or maintaining the site. While there are support channels, they certainly won’t be rolling up their sleeves and making the changes for you. At best, they’ll instruct you on how to do it yourself.

With a professional web developer behind you, you don’t have to worry about wasting indefinite hours of your time trying to troubleshoot even basic back end issues. A pro website support provider will ensure all the necessary changes can be made for you.

Maintenance and security

The importance of a web developer isn’t just in the development but also in the ongoing maintenance services. Keeping websites secure and your data safe is only becoming more important in today’s crazy world. Outsourcing your website maintenance to a development company that knows what they are doing is the easiest way to sleep well at night.


An almost intangible element of creativity and knowledge comes with being an experienced developer. A roadblock in building your site might at most be a simple hiccup for a professional team. A problem that might cause you to have to scrap your website entirely could be just another day at the office for a professional developer. As with most endeavours, it pays to trust the experts.


It’s actually quite simple: Businesses in 2022 cannot afford NOT to be online. Unfortunately, that’s no less true whether you’re away, unwell, or otherwise unable to work. If you simply don’t have the time or availability to build a website from the ground up for your company, make sure to turn to a team that can. A professional Australian website development company will ensure they work continuously until your site is up and running, even when unavailable.

Where can you find a web developer?

We certainly hope we’ve convinced you of the importance of engaging a web developer. So, now the question remains: where can you find them?

Of course, many developers are just a Google or Bing search away. That’s a good plan, if you’re happy to simply go with the ones willing to pay for top ranking.

Alternatively, you can contact the masters of web development right here at GO Creative. With no obligation, no pressure and NO COST, the GO team will be more than happy to consult directly with you and work out what you need, how we can help and how you can benefit from our web development expertise!

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