Brisbane SEO experts

If you want your business to be found online, by the right people, it’s not enough to simply have a great website or social media page. It takes sustained effort with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to continually improve your visibility, so that you can surpass and stay ahead of your competitors!
SEO for WordPress

Working exclusively with WordPress websites, we follow best practices to deliver true results for your business. Tell us about your specific goals, target audience and budget, and we’ll recommend the right option for you.

The three core principles of SEO

Importance of relevancy for SEO

1. Relevancy

Imagine searching for a specific type of plant and getting bombarded with information about landscaping services. Frustrating, right? That’s why relevancy is one of the three pillars of SEO. In simpler terms, relevancy ensures your website surfaces in search results when users are looking for exactly what you offer. Search engines like Google are sophisticated and prioritise websites that deliver the most relevant content to user queries.

2. Authority

When it comes to SEO success, establishing your brand as an industry leader is crucial. Search engines prioritise websites that demonstrate expertise and trustworthiness. Picture your website in a crowded room full of businesses vying for attention.

By consistently delivering valuable content, building backlinks from reputable websites, and showcasing your team’s qualifications, we can help you rise above the noise and position yourself as an expert. This increased authority translates into better search engine rankings, improved brand recognition, and, ultimately, more trust from potential customers.

SEO and User Experience

3. User Experience

Search engines aren’t just looking for websites with the right keywords – they also prioritise websites that offer a fantastic user experience (UX). This means your website should be user-friendly, informative, and engaging for visitors. We focus on creating straightforward website navigation, fast loading times, and high-quality content that engages users.

A positive user experience improves your SEO ranking and translates into happy visitors who are more likely to convert into paying customers. By prioritising UX, we can help you attract and retain valuable leads, ultimately driving online growth for your business.

Strategy and research

Building a strong SEO foundation starts with a sound strategy crafted by experienced professionals. Like any successful business endeavour, SEO requires a well-defined plan that considers your unique goals, target audience, and customer behaviour.

Our team of SEO experts will conduct thorough research to understand your industry, identify relevant keywords, and analyse your competitors’ strategies. This data-driven approach ensures we develop a customised SEO plan that delivers measurable results and propels your business towards online growth.

SEO audit

SEO audit

Our comprehensive SEO audit goes beyond just analysing your website; it delves into your industry, competitors’ online presence, and your target audience’s search behaviour. By gathering this crucial data, we can identify areas for improvement, uncover potential opportunities, and ensure your SEO strategy is tailored to your unique business goals. Think of it as a roadmap to online success.

SEO competitor analysis

Competitor analysis

A successful SEO strategy starts with understanding your competitive landscape. We conduct in-depth competitor analysis to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and keyword strategies. This knowledge allows us to craft a targeted approach that positions your website for success, even against larger competitors. After all, there’s more than one way to climb the search rankings!

Keyword research in SEO

Keyword research

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Our SEO experts understand the nuances of user behaviour, analyse the intent behind search queries, and meticulously research your competitors’ keyword strategies.

Considering these factors, we can identify the most relevant keywords that drive qualified traffic to your website. This targeted approach ensures your website attracts users actively searching for your products or services, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and significant online growth.

Technical website audit

A healthy website is the foundation of a successful SEO campaign. That’s why we begin with a comprehensive technical website audit, going beyond the surface to identify hidden issues hindering your business’s online potential.

Search engines consider a multitude of technical factors when ranking websites, and even minor issues can significantly impact your visibility in searches. Our continued monitoring prevents problems like slow loading times, broken links, and mobile responsiveness issues before they impact your rankings.

Let's talk

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On-page optimisation

Even the most beautiful website can only be seen online if it speaks the language of search engines. That’s where on-page optimisation comes in, and it’s an area where our SEO expertise truly shines. On-page optimisation involves a range of subtle but powerful techniques that can impact your rankings and conversions.

By taking care of these on-page elements, we can significantly improve your website’s search visibility, attract more qualified leads, and appeal to both search engines and, more importantly, website visitors.

SEO helpful content

Engaging and helpful content creation

Google has made it clear that content is king and high-quality content that helps the user solve a problem or answer a question will be favoured. Our SEO plans prioritise creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Our skilled copywriters craft informative, valuable, and engaging content that speaks directly to your ideal customer’s needs and interests.

By prioritising user experience with human-first content, we can attract qualified leads, convert them into customers, and create content that genuinely connects with your audience.

The impact of technical SEO issues

Even the most meticulously crafted SEO strategy can be derailed by underlying technical problems on your website. Imagine pouring your heart and soul into creating stellar content, only to have Google struggle to find or crawl your pages effectively. Addressing technical flaws will pave the way for Google to index your website and serve it to potential customers.

Link building and citations

Building a powerful online presence goes beyond just having a website. Search engines like Google consider the credibility and authority of your website when ranking it in search results. That’s where backlinks and citations come in. Backlinks are essentially links from other websites that point back to yours. They act as a vote of confidence, telling search engines your site is valuable and relevant.

On the other hand, citations mention your business name, address, and phone number (sometimes referred to as NAP) across online directories and local websites. They hold significant weight in local SEO, boosting your local search visibility.

However, it’s not just about quantity anymore. Google prioritises high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry. A handful of strong backlinks from relevant sources hold more weight than many low-quality links. At GO Creative, we excel at crafting targeted link-building strategies that attract these valuable backlinks, ultimately propelling your website towards long-term SEO success.

Measuring your SEO results

SEO keyword tracking

Keyword tracking

What happens if you throw all your resources to ranking keywords, only to discover they’re not right for your business? Keyword tracking eliminates this guesswork. It’s the ongoing process of monitoring your website’s performance for specific keywords – the terms potential customers use to search for products or services like yours.

But keyword research isn’t a one-time task. Tracking allows us to see if your website ranks for the right keywords and, more importantly, if those keywords attract qualified leads. By analysing search trends and user behaviour, we can refine your keyword strategy to ensure you’re targeting the most relevant keywords that drive valuable traffic and conversions.

Conversion tracking

At GO Creative, we go beyond vanity metrics like website traffic. Sure, seeing your website climb the search rankings is exciting, but true SEO success lies in driving real business growth. That’s where conversion tracking comes in. It allows us to measure visitors’ actions on your website, whether it’s making a purchase, submitting a contact form, or signing up for your newsletter.

These actions, known as conversions, are the lifeblood of any online business. By tracking conversions, we can pinpoint which aspects of your SEO strategy are generating qualified leads and, ultimately, revenue. We don’t settle for just ranking high – we focus on crafting SEO campaigns that deliver tangible results that translate to money in the bank.

Accurate and transparent reporting

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and sometimes, rankings can fluctuate. But fear not! At GO Creative, transparency is key. We closely monitor your website’s performance, allowing us to identify any bumps in the road and swiftly adjust our strategy. Just like a successful business experiences growth spurts and periods of consolidation, so too does a well-executed SEO campaign.

With decades of experience navigating these fluctuations, we know when to adapt our approach and when to ride the wave to continued success. No funny business, just a data-driven plan to ensure your website stays ahead of the curve.

Why choose GO Creative?

At GO Creative, we’re not just SEO specialists but process-driven problem solvers obsessed with continuous improvement.

We constantly ask, “How can we do this better?” and translate those learnings into tangible results for our clients. Our fearless leader is an automation whiz, leveraging technology to streamline the SEO process and maximize efficiency.

But it doesn’t stop there. We believe in surrounding ourselves with experts, so if there’s a challenge beyond our immediate expertise, we have the right people to tackle it. This dedication to continuous learning and a collaborative approach ensures we deliver cutting-edge SEO strategies tailored to your unique business goals.

Ready to experience the GO Creative difference?

Book a meeting today and see how we can propel your website to the top of search results and drive sustainable online growth.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to achieve results?

This varies depending on industry, budget, competition, time of year, and more. But the most important thing to know is that SEO is a long-term strategy. You’re not going to get results overnight, but sustained investment over 6+ months usually yields strong results which compound over time.

How do I know how the service is performing?

We offer multiple reporting methods so you’re never in the dark. There’s an online report you can access any time, as well as a detailed PDF report we send you periodically with a comprehensive update of how everything is going.

How much labour time is included in each plan?

We typically allow 15% of your budget for expenses, with the remainder being labour. The number of hours varies depending on the type of work being done each month, but ultimately all that matters is results. Our fluid approach means that instead of sticking to a rigid set of tasks every month, we continually adjust our strategy as we go. By tackling the most important tasks at all times, we give you greater results sooner!